UK Map Data

High quality map data for the United Kingdom

UK Map Data

High quality map data for the United Kingdom

We carry only the very best UK map data available for our home nation, including products from trusted sources such as Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. Let us help make your UK-based location intelligence solution exceed expectations and deliver eminent success.

Flag of the United KingdomUnited Kingdom – Quick Facts

Area (sq km)
GDP (PPP) 2017
GDP (PPP) Rank
Situated off the north-west coast of mainland Europe, the United Kingdom comprises Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland, plus many smaller islands. It ranks in the top five populations in Europe. London is the capital city.
It is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy and has marginally the second largest economy by GDP in Europe.
In the nineteenth century it led the world in industrialisation. Nowadays, it is a heavily urbanised country – agriculture and manufacturing are less important, but the service industry has grown in significance. It is one of the top tourism destinations. The UK retains a strong global influence politically, economically and culturally and is a key player in world diplomacy and military matters, with leading roles in United Nations (permanent member of UN Security Council) G7 and NATO, although it has now departed from the European Union.

United Kingdom / UK Map Data

AddressHub photo logo


AddressHub is an address product for Great Britain built upon definitive Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF®) data, enhanced with UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number), coordinates and other valuable attributes. Designed to deliver a cost-effective addressing capability to organisations of any size, AddressHub opens the door to connect databases from multiple sources. Search, locate and identify addresses with ease and precision.

EstateHub photo logo


EstateHub is a land coverage product for England & Wales built upon the authoritative HM Land Registry National Polygon Service (NPS). It includes polygons defining all registered freehold and leasehold land parcels, including title number, property UPRNs, significantly enhanced with additional attributes which give depth and context to estate-based searches.

Ordnance Survey Licensed Data

Ordnance Survey (OS) map data

OS map data includes a wide range of digital maps and data products from Ordnance Survey – the national mapping agency for Great Britain. It produces and manages data of unparalleled depth, breadth and accuracy, maintaining the definitive record of Britain’s geographic features, relied on by government, business and individuals.

OSNI logo

Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map Data

OSNI Map Data products are produced by Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland – the official mapping agency of Northern Ireland. OSNI is part of Land and Property Services (LPS), the government agency that collect, process and manage land and property information. They are the authoritative source of digital maps and data for Northern Ireland.

Bluesky International

Bluesky Aerial Products

Bluesky International is the leading aerial survey company in Great Britain and Ireland. It provides a range of survey, geographic and CAD data, including aerial photography, mapping and LiDAR. Using cutting-edge technology, it produces the most accurate, current and highest resolution datasets available.

As an authorised business partner, Europa Technologies offers a range of Bluesky products plus value-added services.



The HERE Maps suite is a reliable snapshot of the world that unlocks value by providing context and relevance for your data. It provides an unparalleled source of location data to build new applications or leverage the value your own data. Features include address ranges, points of interest, topography, lakes, rivers, built-up areas, railway lines and routing information (e.g. turn restrictions & one-way streets).

Postcodes / Zipcodes


Postcodes are an important tool in geographic planning. Originally developed to streamline postal delivery, postcodes are now commonly referred to as “the new geography”, as they have evolved to become an integral part of the business planning process.

Postcodes centroids (centre points) are suitable for coarse-level searches and geocoding, while regions can be used for visualisation purposes.

Regions & Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries

Regions and Boundaries map data helps you display and analyse key factors geographically. They can easily be matched and enriched with your own data or supplemented with statistics such as demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles.



Demographic data presents the latest population and household figures, population by age (5 × 15-year age bands) and sex, as well as the number of unemployed. If the demand for your product or service is dependent on these variables, this data will be fundamental to planning your operations. It can be used to improve customer targeting and help identify market opportunities by geographic area.

Purchasing Power

Purchasing Power

Purchasing Power describes the disposable income (before deductions) of populated areas. It is a key indicator for sound location and sales territory planning.

In a competitive retail market, sales, optimisation and growth are critical to survival. All businesses need to know where their customers are located and how much disposable income their target groups possess. Purchasing Power allows companies to target regional markets with increased precision, accuracy and confidence.

Consumer Profiles

Consumer Profiles

Consumer Profiles uses an innovative model for market segmentation and determination of target groups. It is the first product in its class to offer ten internationally validated consumer styles. Consumer Profiles is based on various segmenting criteria such as demographics, value orientation, mind-set & motivation, consumer behaviour and consumer scope.


Risks & Perils

A portfolio of geo-referenced risks & perils data with models for events including flood, subsidence, political risk and climate change. Serving more than just insurers, these products help you evaluate risk to property and assets, improve readiness and bolster your ability to respond and mitigate.



CRESTA Zones help to analyse and present natural hazard risk, based on CRESTA zones, using the system established by the world’s leading reinsurers. While peril-independent, CRESTA (Catastrophe Risk Evaluating and Standardising Target Accumulations) has established a uniform and global system to transfer, electronically, aggregated exposure data for accumulation risk control and modelling among insurers and reinsurers.

Market Trace - Footsteps

Market Trace

Market Trace is a new data service providing unique insight into patterns of visitor behaviour. This innovative service uses anonymised location data from mobile applications, professionally analysed and customised to your specific needs. It can distinguish between locals and visitors, segment by time and profile visit duration.


Marine Maps

Intelligent marine and coastal map data drives planning, engineering, asset management, operations, regulation and a multitude of other applications.

Free data life support

All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

Data Life Support

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about UK Map Data (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.