Other Markets

Make location intelligence work for you

Other Markets

Make location intelligence work for you

In a world where nearly everything happens somewhere, the power of location can provide insight, intelligence and better outcomes to any organisation, irrespective of nature or industry.


Driving strategy

Most businesses are wrestling with acute growth in their data volume. Whether it be created from primary activities or as a “data exhaust” by-product, organisations need to know how to store, harness and utilise this asset to support evidence-based decision making. When working with big data, location intelligence can turbo-charge your existing business intelligence capabilities. Whoever you are and whatever you do, it can reveal trends in data which are revolutionary to strategy.

How can we help you utilise your data assets to make smarter decisions?

Underpinning critical decisions

While growing briskly, only 10.7% of US commerce [Census Bureau, Q3/2019] happens online. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, the location of bricks-and-mortar retail outlets remains paramount, including where the customer journey involves ordering online but with local collection. Location intelligence can also help with retargeting, by providing a geographically focussed follow-up to initial advertising campaigns. These are believed to be more than twice as effective as generic, untargeted marketing messages.

The locations of your stores, warehouses, delivery routes and events are key. How do you underpin critical decisions and solve the enigma of where?

Underpinning Critical Decisions
Contextualise Your Data - London Heat Map

Contextualise your data

Within the Geographic Information System (GIS) there is a long-held belief that over 80% of data has a geographic element. While it is difficult to track down the origin of this claim, the abundance of address data means it may be justifiable. Accurate addresses can be geo-coded, a process which enriches address data with coordinates. This allows addresses to be located and placed on a map – the first step on a journey to location intelligence.

The locations of your customers, stores, distribution centres, or even competitors, need to be contextualised on a high-quality base map. Not only can this map show individual sites, it can also serve as the foundation for analysis and other visualisations.

Whether you consume your base maps as locally stored GIS data or as an online service, Europa Technologies can supply mapping from global to local scale and for most countries of the world. With multiple awards for our cartography, we’ll help make your maps convey their message and look first-class.

Locate opportunity

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Albert Einstein

In a data-rich world, there is abundant opportunity to find insights which support smarter decision making. There are, however, so many methods and approaches. Consistently, location intelligence has proven itself to be one of the most effective additions to traditional analytics. How could the power of location work for you?

Location intelligence can help your organisation find and develop new opportunities. Let Europa Technologies be a trusted advisor on your journey.

Locate Opportunity

Location intelligence solutions



viaEuropa is the award-winning hosted map and API platform from Europa Technologies. It delivers high quality, fully maintained, digital maps and geodata directly to your web applications, desktop GIS and mobile apps. Use viaEuropa to drive location intelligent solutions quickly, easily and efficiently.

viaEuropa supports a variety of high-quality content from Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland, Bluesky International, Government of Jersey, JBA Risk Management, British Geological Survey, MB International and OceanWise.

UK Flag

UK Map Data

We carry only the very best data available for our home nation, including products from trusted sources such as Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland and Bluesky International. Let us help make your UK-based location intelligence solution exceed expectations and deliver eminent success.

International Flags

International Map Data

With comprehensive, consistent and dependable data for nearly every country & region of the world, we are your trusted partner for international map data. Explore our extensive inventory of base maps, postcodes, regions & boundaries, socio-demographics, purchasing power, consumer profiles, peril maps, CRESTA zones, mobile network coverage and marine maps.

Global Map Data - Celebrating 25 years, 1997-2022

Global Map Data

Global map data is a cornerstone in the history of Europa Technologies. Our market-leading data products are the choice of SMEs, prestigious Fortune Global 500 companies, governments and missions of the United Nations. As a result of a long-standing integration with Google Earth and Google Maps, our global data products have been seen by over one billion people, approximately one in seven of the world’s entire population.

How can we help you?

Do get in touch if you would like more details about Other Markets (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.