Public Sector

Helping you do more with less

Public Sector

Helping you do more with less

The challenges for the public sector are complex – tighter budgets, but with a need to improve delivery and efficiency to an ever-discerning public. Location intelligence has a pivotal role in digital transformation and the progression to smart cities.

UK Public Sector - Enrich Public Services - 5 Stars

Enrich public services

Location intelligence enables public sector organisations to better fulfil their statutory obligations quickly and easily. Your own data assets enriched with geographic information are a powerful, but overwhelming, combination. It can often be difficult to provide end-users, both internal and public, with access to the right information, in the right format, on the right platform, at the right time.

With an increased pressure to implement policy and inform citizens, the public sector must look to improve performance, streamline processes and reduce costs.

Europa Technologies offers a portfolio of cost-effective, efficient solutions which empower public sector bodies. Harnessing the power of location intelligence, our capabilities will help you meet your obligations and, indeed, go beyond expectations.

Maximise value from the Geospatial Commission contracts

The three Geospatial Commission public sector contracts agreements make public sector bodies “data-rich” but leave them with challenges in maximising the value from their entitlements. viaEuropa provides access to Ordnance Survey content under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA), imagery from Aerial Photography Great Britain (APGB) and access to PAF data from Royal Mail Public Sector Licence (PSL). Additionally, we support the Northern Ireland Mapping Agreement (NIMA).

The Europa Trinity service provides access to PSGA, APGB and PSL content as a streamlined, cost-effective service. It is used by national government departments, local authorities and police forces. Under a central contract with the Scottish Government, viaEuropa provides premium PSGA services to all public sector organisations in Scotland.

UK Public Sector - Maximise Benefits of PSMA/OSMA/NIMA
UK Public Sector - Accelerate Digital Transformation

Accelerate digital transformation

In rapidly changing times, the UK public sector faces many new challenges. Digital transformation has been widely recognised as a key to increase operational efficiency, drive innovation and achieve better outcomes. Organisations can use location intelligence at every stage of their digital transformation, to uncover hidden insights in their data assets. New actionable intelligence can then be shared both internally and with citizens. Channel shift to online is cost effective and provides 24/7 service to the public.

To support the rapid development of location-based services at scale, while retaining support for legacy systems, viaEuropa and Europa Data Vault are available on the G-Cloud procurement framework, operated by the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace.

Talk to us today to discover how Europa Technologies can help you with your digital transformation journey.

Support smart cities

The development of smart cities is gathering pace. According to Siemens Financial Services [2019], 68% of the global population is expected to live in cities by 2050. Urban ecosystems face many issues including environmental challenges, crime, traffic congestion, employment, affordable housing and infrastructure. Not all cities will face the same set of concerns and it is clear that partnerships with the private sector will have an important role to play in providing tailored solutions.

As a city evolves, location intelligence can play a pivotal role in programmes advancing citizen welfare, sustainability, resilience, collaboration and public communication. Understanding “where” and the deployment of definitive location intelligence can make this happen.

How can we help you ensure your citizens can look forward to a better quality of life in their smarter, faster future?

UK Public Sector - Support Smart Cities

Location intelligence solutions for public sector



viaEuropa is the award-winning hosted map and API platform from Europa Technologies. It delivers high quality, fully maintained, digital maps and geodata directly to your web applications, desktop GIS and mobile apps. Use viaEuropa to drive location intelligent solutions quickly, easily and efficiently.

viaEuropa supports a variety of high-quality content from Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland, Bluesky International, Government of Jersey, JBA Risk Management, British Geological Survey, MB International and OceanWise.

Europa Data Vault

Europa Data Vault

Europa Data Vault is a managed data delivery platform supporting OS data products, including OS MasterMap, VectorMap Local and AddressBase. The service delivers the latest version of all key products included in the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). Data is available in a range of spatial data formats and delivered by secure download.

europaIQ photo logo


europaIQ offers valuable property intelligence data for Great Britain in a variety of pragmatic categories. Whether you are an owner, investor, developer or manager, europaIQ provides invaluable intelligence about properties and their surrounding area. For both commercial and residential properties, a wide variety of data is available which can meet challenges, improve decision-making and reduce risk.

EstateHub photo logo


EstateHub is a land coverage product for England & Wales built upon the authoritative HM Land Registry National Polygon Service (NPS). It includes polygons defining all registered freehold and leasehold land parcels, including title number, property UPRNs, significantly enhanced with additional attributes which give depth and context to estate-based searches.

Market Trace - Footsteps

Market Trace

Market Trace is a new data service providing unique insight into patterns of visitor behaviour. This innovative service uses anonymised location data from mobile applications, professionally analysed and customised to your specific needs. It can distinguish between locals and visitors, segment by time and profile visit duration.

Risk Insight

Risk Insight

Risk Insight offers a powerful yet intuitive means of assessing risk intelligence across your property portfolio. Developed for insurers, public sector bodies and property managers, it provides a clear picture and understanding of individual risks and overall exposure. Implemented as an online service, Risk Insight can be integrated with your internal systems to provide a rich, seamless experience for your users.


Risks & Perils

A portfolio of geo-referenced risks & perils data with models for events including flood, subsidence, political risk and climate change. Serving more than just insurers, these products help you evaluate risk to property and assets, improve readiness and bolster your ability to respond and mitigate.

Services supporting public sector contracts

PSGA Services

Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Services

Europa Technologies delivers a variety of PSGA services which can help you take advantage of the rich data and new freedoms provided under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement. With new data products, open identifiers and reduced Ordnance Survey royalties, let us help you maximise the benefits of the PSGA within your public sector organisation.

APGB Services

Aerial Photography Great Britain (APGB) Services

APGB services are available through our award-winning viaEuropa platform. The services include enterprise-grade access to all Aerial Photography Great Britain content, including 12.5cm aerial photography, colour infrared imagery and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) / Digital Surface Model (DSM) layers. viaEuropa provides easy, reliable and improved access to this portfolio of key geospatial products.

Royal Mail PSL Services

Royal Mail Public Sector Licence (PSL) Services

We offer a variety of services supporting the Royal Mail Public Sector Licence (PSL) which enable you to make full use of the benefits provided by the Postcode Address File (PAF®). We deliver enriched data products, open identifiers and enterprise-grade API access. Europa Technologies will help your public sector organisation optimise its use of the PSL.

How can we help you?

Do get in touch if you would like more details about Public Sector (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.