Base Maps

Detailed, high quality contextual mapping

Base Maps

Detailed, high quality contextual mapping

Our base maps provide solid contextual mapping on which to overlay and visualise your own operational layers.

Base Map Data Products

Ordnance Survey Licensed Data

Ordnance Survey (OS) map data

OS map data includes a wide range of digital maps and data products from Ordnance Survey – the national mapping agency for Great Britain. It produces and manages data of unparalleled depth, breadth and accuracy, maintaining the definitive record of Britain’s geographic features, relied on by government, business and individuals.

OSNI logo

Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map Data

OSNI Map Data products are produced by Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland – the official mapping agency of Northern Ireland. OSNI is part of Land and Property Services (LPS), the government agency that collect, process and manage land and property information. They are the authoritative source of digital maps and data for Northern Ireland.



The HERE Maps suite is a reliable snapshot of the world that unlocks value by providing context and relevance for your data. It provides an unparalleled source of location data to build new applications or leverage the value your own data. Features include address ranges, points of interest, topography, lakes, rivers, built-up areas, railway lines and routing information (e.g. turn restrictions & one-way streets).

Global Map Data - Celebrating 25 years, 1997-2022

Global Map Data

Global map data is a cornerstone in the history of Europa Technologies. Our market-leading data products are the choice of SMEs, prestigious Fortune Global 500 companies, governments and missions of the United Nations. As a result of a long-standing integration with Google Earth and Google Maps, our global data products have been seen by over one billion people, approximately one in seven of the world’s entire population.

Free data life support

All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

Data Life Support

How can we help you?

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about our range of base maps (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.