OS AddressBase Premium

The ultimate address database of Great Britain

OS AddressBase Premium

The ultimate address database of Great Britain

As the flagship address database from Ordnance Survey, AddressBase Premium gives you the most up-to-date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas where services are provided. With alternative names and full building life cycle information, you will have all the information you need to shape the way you plan, operate and communicate with your audience.

OS AddressBase Plus

OS AddressBase Premium

AddressBase Premium provides the most detailed view of an address and its life cycle for England, Wales and Scotland. It has over 40 million addresses and 100 million cross references as well as providing all the information relating to an address or property from creation to retirement. OS AddressBase Premium is provided on a six week update cycle.

The product contains Local Authority, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail addresses. This includes alternative addresses for current records where available, indicating variations on the official addresses; and provisional addresses (proposed planning developments), and historic information (demolished properties) where available.

OWPA (Objects Without a Postal Address) and Cross References to VOA data and products such as the OS MasterMap Topography Layer are also included.

Data enrichment with UPRN

OS AddressBase Premium can be used in any application which requires the precise location of an address. It can also be used to enrich records in your data with the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). UPRNs allows different databases to be connected based on a unique frame of reference – location.

Adding the UPRN to databases can help make deeper sense of data once it’s all linked together. Every property in Great Britain has a UPRN, and OS AddressBase Premium adds a precise location. This accurate and consistent reference system links people across multiple services, enabling data analytics and unlocking predictive insights that can underpin policy making.

OS AddressBase
OS AddressBase / AddressBase Plus / AddresBase Premium / AddressBase Islands - Benefits

Addressing key challenges

OS AddressBase Premium offers a valuable range of benefits to your organisation:

  • Reduces the effort of maintaining address information across multiple departments
  • Facilitates data-sharing between multiple organisations and departmental systems
  • Connectivity – with the UPRN as the key identifier for a property/address, systems can share information without the need for multiple matching processes needing to be in place

In addition to supporting a variety of data formats, we can also deliver OS AddressBase Premium as a high-performance, reliable and secure API:

Our added value

A managed OS data supply provides you with expert licensing, a secure delivery platform and the first-class support services needed to optimise value from Ordnance Survey data within your organisation. By working with Europa Technologies, you will automatically receive the following benefits, charged as optional extras by many of our competitors:

  • Free consultation – an opportunity to discuss your precise requirements and tailor a bespoke solution.
  • Free support – If you have any questions or issues with the product during the licence period, just ask! Our support team is ready to help you.
  • Broad range of formats – Ordnance Survey supply their products in limited formats but we can convert into all common GIS and CAD formats such as GeoPackage, MapInfo TAB, Esri Shapefile, Esri File GeoDatabase, Autodesk DWG and others. For many data formats, deliveries can also include our award-winning cartographic styling.
  • Expert advice – From an award-winning Ordnance Survey Strategic Partner and Ordnance Survey Accredited Consultant.

If you have a requirement for Ordnance Survey data, or are an existing licence holder and are considering a new supplier, please contact us.

Ordnance Survey Licensed Partner

Related products

OS AddressBase Islands

OS AddressBase Islands

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OSNI Pointer logo

OSNI Pointer

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Documentation & Resources

As part of our support for OS AddressBase Premium, we provide a full, up-to-date library of documentation and resources, including product guides and technical specifications.

Documentation & Resources

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about OS AddressBase Premium (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.