Regions & Boundaries
map data for Egypt

Regions & Boundaries
map data for Egypt

Regions and Boundaries map data for Egypt helps you display and analyse key factors geographically. They can easily be matched and enriched with your own data or supplemented with statistics such as demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles.

Regions & Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries map data for Egypt

Regions & Boundaries map data provides a geographic breakdown of Egypt for visualisation and analysis purposes. Using GIS or mapping software, colours can be assigned to these regions to form a thematic map, also known as a choropleth map. Thematic maps are visually powerful and a simple but effective way to communicate a variable (e.g. sales figures) across a geographic area. Regions can be political/administrative, postcode or small areas often connected with a census. With seamless transitions across borders with neighbouring countries, this data product is ideal for international projects.

Further enabling geographic analysis, Regions & Boundaries for Egypt can also be supplemented with statistics such as socio-demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles. This product is available in a number of popular GIS data formats.

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Flag of EgyptEgypt – Muḥāfaẓāt

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
Situated in north-east Africa and crossing into south-west Asia with the Sinai Peninsula, the Arab Republic of Egypt is a transcontinental country. It shares land borders with Gaza, Israel, Sudan and Libya and coastline along the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It is the largest of the Arab countries and the capital city is Cairo.
With one of the longest histories of any country, Egypt is famed for being one of the ancient cradles of civilization. Modern Egypt was established in 1922 when it gained independence from the British Empire, as a monarchy. Following revolution in 1952, it was declared a republic. A few years later it joined with Syria to form the United Arab Republic, which was disbanded in 1961. The second half of the twentieth century was peppered with social, religious and political unrest and violence. There were numerous armed conflicts with Israel, and occupation of the Gaza Strip. In 1978, the Camp David Agreement was signed and Egypt withdrew from Gaza and recognised Israel. Egypt continues to face internal challenges, from revolution in 2011 to political unrest and economic instability. The country is run as a semi-presidential republic, divided into twenty-seven governates.
Whilst much of Egypt is desert, the country has grown up along the River Nile and its economy still relies on the contribution from agriculture. The construction of the 1970 Aswan Dam and resulting Lake Nasser has removed reliance on the Nile, considerably. However, tourism, oil and petroleum related industries (including revenue from the Suez Canal) and remittances from Egyptians working overseas, are key contributors to the economy. Other than the petroleum industry, Egypt’s main exports include steel and cement, textiles, ceramics and citrus fruits. Wealth is not evenly distributed in Egypt and corruption is considered by many to have hindered its economy. Egypt is the most populated country in in North Africa and the Middle East. Urbanisation is increasing (very densely in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities around the Nile delta), although rural and urban living is currently evenly divided.
Cultural wealth is hugely important to Egypt. Ancient Egypt witnessed developments in architecture and construction, writing, agriculture, religion and government. The country is home to the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World remaining today. Egyptian culture has reflected its geographical position and has developed over the centuries with influence from the Arab world, Africa and Europe. It is a cultural trend-setter for the Arab world. Art and architecture, literature and poetry, especially vernacular poetry, are the cultural mainstays of Egypt, which is considered to be the home of the belly-dance. It has a vibrant media and cinema scene. Soccer is the most popular sport.
On the world stage, Egypt is a member of the United Nations. It is a regional power and is a member of the Arab League and the African Union.

Product details

Regions & Boundaries map data for Egypt
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Muḥāfaẓāt
Number of Regions 27
Average Population/Region 3,700,000

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Data formats & delivery

Regions & Boundaries map data for Egypt is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

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Extend your market insight into Egypt with these compatible add-on products. Ask about special pricing for map data bundles.


Get to know your audience in terms of number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed.


Purchasing Power

Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

Purchasing Power

Consumer Profiles

An innovative, comprehensive ten-segment model for effective market investigation and identification of your target audience.

Consumer Profiles

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