Global 360

A place for everything and everything in its place

Global 360

A place for everything and everything in its place

Global 360 is a comprehensive and versatile global database of named places with latitude/longitude coordinates. Designed as a core database for location-based search and geocoding at a global level, it contains a vast array of feature types to digitally represent the human and natural features of our planet.

Global 360

Global 360

Global 360 is a comprehensive world gazetteer in the form of a database of named locations. It is aimed at organisations who need to search, reference and geocode places worldwide.

With well over 2 million entries from countries down to localised places of interest, Global 360 is perfect for spatially enabling web applications such as store/dealer/service locators, office messaging, asset tracking and social media check-in services.

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Location, location, location

In many aspects of modern life, location is key. Global 360 is ideal for any business organisation that requires a consistent global location resource for web-based search, geocoding and reverse geocoding. It includes support for localisation and forms a valuable component of any enterprise-wide Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).

Every feature in Global 360 has latitude/longitude coordinates attached using the WGS-84 datum – as used by the United States’ Global Positioning System (GPS). This allows the product to be used as a comprehensive global gazetteer. It allows applications to implement an interactive search and the ability to go to the desired location on a map. It also supports geocoding – the process whereby your own data is enriched with coordinates to facilitate location-based analysis.

Global 360 - Location, location, location
Global 360 - Global Gazetteer

Speaking your language

“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.”
Roger Bacon

Global 360 includes many alternative names which provides superior match rates for geocoding and international search.

Country and major city names are available in local and foreign language forms (‘exonyms‘). Languages supported include English conventional name (e.g. Roma / Rome), foreign exonyms (including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Japanese [Kanji & Katakana], Arabic, Russian, simplified Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Greek & Turkish), second national language (e.g. Finnish: Helsinki / Swedish: Helsingfors), legacy names (e.g. Peking / Beijing) or long/short form (e.g. Kingston / Kingston-upon-Thames).

New in Global 360 2024.2

Version 2024.2 was released in June 2024 and includes global data upgrades, quality improvements and general maintenance.

New in latest version

Gazetteer features

Global 360 consists of a comprehensive database containing the following features.

  • Country / Geo-political Entities
  • 1st Level Administrative Regions
  • Places (1.6m+ with 2m+ names)
  • Airports
  • Ports
  • Rivers & Lakes
  • Points of Interest (POI)
  • Ocean Features

Looking for a comprehensive global gazetteer with a world base map? Check out Global Insight

GIS Software

A myriad of applications

There are an unlimited number of uses for Global 360. Potential applications include:

  • General reference mapping
  • Global geocoding by place name
  • International strategic planning
  • Travel planning & transportation tracking
  • Telecommunications
  • Mining, oil & gas exploration
  • Place name overlay for satellite imagery

Data formats & delivery

Global 360 is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)
  • CSV/TSV Text Files (UTF-8 encoding)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

Flexible licensing

Global 360 can be licensed for a single user, multiple users, server or corporate use. The product is provided subject to our standard End User Licence Agreement (EULA) for global data products. Additionally, attractive licensing terms are available to organisations who wish to integrate Global 360 into their own software products and services.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements and request pricing information.

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Global Map Data - Celebrating 25 years, 1997-2022

Global Map Data

Global map data is a cornerstone in the history of Europa Technologies. Our market-leading data products are the choice of SMEs, prestigious Fortune Global 500 companies, governments and missions of the United Nations. As a result of a long-standing integration with Google Earth and Google Maps, our global data products have been seen by over one billion people, approximately one in seven of the world’s entire population.

Free data life support

All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

Data Life Support

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about Global 360 (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.