Map data for

Map data for

Europa Technologies supplies a wide variety of map data products for Oman and nearly every other country of the world. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, we are your trusted advisor on map data products which form the lifeblood of location intelligence solutions.

Flag of OmanOman – Quick facts

Area (sq km)
GDP (PPP) 2018
GDP (PPP) Rank
Situated in western Asia, the Sultanate of Oman is the oldest independent state in the Arab world. It shares land borders with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Its coastline is along the mouth of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. The capital city is Muscat.
Tribes settled in Oman over the centuries, and by the early 1500s, the Portuguese discovered the strategic benefits of Oman’s location and began to use it as an outpost to protect their sea activities. In the late seventeenth century, Oman’s valuable position was evident as battle ensued between the Portuguese, Dutch and British - all of whom were trying to protect trading routes to the East Indies. Ottoman Turks and Persians tried unsuccessfully, to dominate Oman. By the twentieth century, Oman came under mutually beneficial British influence. It is a unitary state and an absolute monarchy, divided into eleven governorates.
The discovery of oil in the early 1960s has hastened Oman’s economic standing. Prior to this it was a strongly agricultural country, but the export of oil and petroleum-related products contributes over two-thirds of the country’s revenue. Oman is determined to diversify its economic reliance. It exports fruit-particularly dates, limes and bananas, and has successful irrigation systems. Its fishing industry is also important. The country is developing mining exports, including copper, gold and zinc and has invested heavily in the tourism sector, which is growing successfully. Heavily urbanised, over 80% of the population live in or around cities.
Oman has a rich Arabian heritage but is unlike many of its neighbours. Famed for its ship building and trading, Omani culture is more diverse, with influences from the Swahili coast and across the Indian Ocean. Music is important and art ranges from heritage woodwork and handicrafts through to traditional and modern painting. Oman’s traditional sports include dhow racing, falconry and camel racing, but soccer, tennis and cricket are popular, with the country hosting major events.
On the world stage, Oman is a member of the United Nations and the Arab League.
Regions & Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries

Regions & boundaries data is available for Oman.

Regions and Boundaries map data helps you display and analyse key factors geographically. They can easily be matched and enriched with your own data or supplemented with statistics such as demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles.

Regions & Boundaries


Demographic data is available for Oman.

Demographic data presents the number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed.

Purchasing Power

Purchasing Power

Purchasing power data is available for Oman.

Purchasing Power describes the disposable income (before deductions) of populated areas. It is a key indicator for sound location and sales territory planning.

Purchasing Power


HERE Maps are available for Oman.

HERE Maps has been at the forefront of mapping innovations for decades, serving automotive OEMs, businesses and governments that require the most accurate location intelligence.

Flood Maps

Flood Maps

Flood maps are available for Oman.

Flood map data provide extents and depths for multiple return periods, covering both river and surface water flooding, as well as coastal flooding in some countries.

Flood Maps
Market Trace

Market Trace

Market Trace data services are available for Oman.

Market Trace is a new data service providing unique insight into patterns of visitor behaviour. This innovative service uses anonymised location data from mobile applications, professionally analysed and customised to your specific needs. It can distinguish between locals and visitors, segment by time and profile visit duration.

Market Trace
Marine Maps

Marine Maps

Marine Maps are available for Oman.

Intelligent marine and coastal map data drives planning, engineering, asset management, operations, regulation and a multitude of other applications.

Marine Maps
Global Map Data

Global Maps

For geographic coverage of Oman and beyond, we offer a premier global map data suite. Global mapping is a cornerstone in the history of Europa Technologies. Our market-leading data products are the choice of SMEs, prestigious Fortune Global 500 companies, governments and missions of the United Nations. As a result of a long-standing integration with Google Earth and Google Maps, our global data products have been seen by over one billion people, approximately one in seven of the world's entire population.

Europa Technologies - mapping the world for 25 years, 1997 - 2022.

Global Map Data

Free data life support

All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

Data Life Support

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