Regions & Boundaries
map data for the Philippines

Regions & Boundaries
map data for the Philippines

Regions and Boundaries map data for the Philippines helps you display and analyse key factors geographically. They can easily be matched and enriched with your own data or supplemented with statistics such as demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles.

Regions & Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries map data for the Philippines

Regions & Boundaries map data provides a geographic breakdown of the Philippines for visualisation and analysis purposes. Using GIS or mapping software, colours can be assigned to these regions to form a thematic map, also known as a choropleth map. Thematic maps are visually powerful and a simple but effective way to communicate a variable (e.g. sales figures) across a geographic area. Regions can be political/administrative, postcode or small areas often connected with a census. With seamless transitions across borders with neighbouring countries, this data product is ideal for international projects.

Further enabling geographic analysis, Regions & Boundaries for the Philippines can also be supplemented with statistics such as socio-demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles. This product is available in a number of popular GIS data formats.

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Flag of the PhilippinesPhilippines – Barangays

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago in Southeast Asia, situated in the western Pacific Ocean. The Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan, Japan, Palau9p Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Only eleven of the 7,650 islands which make up the archipelago are inhabited. The capital city is Manila.
The earliest inhabitants of the Philippines were a series of Austronesian peoples. In the mid-sixteenth century, after “discovery” by Magellan, the islands were colonised by the Spanish, named in honour of King Philip II of Spain and became part of the Spanish Empire for over 300 years. The Philippines became a major trading hub in the Pacific.
After revolution in the nineteenth century, the Philippines was ceded to the USA in the early twentieth century. American control over the territories was exerted until Japanese invasion during WWII and in 1946, after liberation, the islands were declared independent.
The Philippines is now a unitary sovereign state, a constitutional republic with a presidential system, but has had a stormy relationship with democracy. The country is divided into seventeen regions, which for governance, are divided into eighty-one provinces. The exception to this is the Bangsamoro autonomous region.
Ethnically very diverse, the Philippines is home to 182 living languages. The official languages are Filipino and English.
With a newly industrialised economy, the Philippines has moved from an agricultural base to an economy led by manufacturing and services. Exports include circuits and office machinery parts. The business outsourcing industry and tourism are growth areas for the Philippines. It also has a wealth of mineral resources.
The culture of the Philippines is rich in diversity, with some distinct divisions due to the island nature of the country. For centuries, it has been a melting-pot of cultures. The architecture is a mix of styles, including Hispanic and more recently “modern American”. As the Philippines is situated on the Pacific “Ring of Fire” it is susceptible to earthquakes and typhoons, reflected in the use of building materials. The folk tradition in music, dance and literature remains important. The main sport is basketball.
On the world stage, the Philippines is a member of the United Nations and ASEAN.

Product details

Regions & Boundaries map data for the Philippines
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Municipalities and Cities Barangays
Number of Regions 1,633 42,017
Average Population/Region 67,000 2,600

Looking beyond the Philippines? Regions & Boundaries map data is available for a wide range of countries…

Data formats & delivery

Regions & Boundaries map data for the Philippines is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

Related products for the Philippines

Extend your market insight into the Philippines with these compatible add-on products. Ask about special pricing for map data bundles.


Get to know your audience in terms of number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed.


Purchasing Power

Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

Purchasing Power

Consumer Profiles

An innovative, comprehensive ten-segment model for effective market investigation and identification of your target audience.

Consumer Profiles

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All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

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