OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “East Coast of South America - Punta Piedras to Puerto Gallegos inc Falkland Islands, etc.”

OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “East Coast of South America - Punta Piedras to Puerto Gallegos inc Falkland Islands, etc.”

 This marine chart folio is sourced from leading hydrographic offices. When you need intelligent marine and coastal mapping that is fit for purpose, in the right format, accurate and up to date, we have a comprehensive range of marine products and services to help you.

OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “East Coast of South America - Punta Piedras to Puerto Gallegos inc Falkland Islands, etc.”

This folio contains 57 items. Click on an ID link to explore a folio entry.

ID Title Scale
0534Quequen and Approaches1:50,000
0552Isla Tova1:50,000
0557Mar del Plata to Comodoro Rivadavia1:1,750,000
0558Isla Leones to Estrecho de Magallanes including the Falkland Islands1:1,750,000
1302Cabo Guardian to Punta Nava1:200,000
1331Approaches to Bahia Blanca1:100,000
1614Stanley Harbour and Approaches1:30,000
2505Approaches to the Falkland Islands1:1,500,000
2506Mare Harbour and Approaches1:12,500
2507Pebble Island to Port Fitzroy1:150,000
2508Port Fitzroy to Eagle Passage1:150,000
2512The Falkland Islands1:400,000
2513Eagle Passage to New Island1:150,000
2514New Island to Pebble Island1:150,000
2517North-Western Approaches to the Falkland Islands1:600,000
2518North-Eastern Approaches to the Falkland Islands1:600,000
2519South-Western Approaches to the Falkland Islands1:600,000
2520South-Eastern Approaches to the Falkland Islands1:600,000
2525Choiseul Sound1:25,000
2526Byron Sound to Jason Islands1:80,000
2527Port Albemarle1:25,000
2536Port William to Choiseul Sound1:75,000
2543Anchorages in West Falkland Island1:75,000
2544Passages in West Falkland Island1:15,000
2545Port Egmont to Port Purvis1:50,000
2546Approaches to Port Salvador1:75,000
2547Port Salvador to Port William1:75,000
2550Plans in East Falkland Island1:20,000
2558Falkland Sound Northern Part1:75,000
2559Falkland Sound Southern Part1:75,000
2560Lively Sound to Eagle Passage1:75,000
2561Choiseul Sound and Adventure Sound1:75,000
2582Plans in Falkland Sound1:35,000
3200Falkland Islands to South Sandwich Islands and Graham Land1:3,750,000
3324Cabo San Antonio to Mar Del Plata1:500,000
3329Mar Del Plata to Segunda Barranca1:500,000
3330Segunda Barranca to Punta Delgada1:500,000
3331Punta Delgada to San Gregorio1:500,000
3332San Gregorio to Puerto Deseado1:500,000
3334Puerto Deseado to Puerto Santa Cruz1:500,000
3335Puerto Santa Cruz to Estrecho de Magallanes1:500,000
3582Harbours and Anchorages in South Georgia Sheet 31:25,000
3583Cooper Sound to Drygalski Fjord1:25,000
3586Harbours and Anchorages in South Georgia Sheet 21:25,000
3587Harbours and Anchorages in South Georgia1:25,000
3588Approaches to Stromness and Cumberland Bays1:50,000
3589Stewart Strait including Undine Harbour, Bird Sound and Elsehul1:25,000
3593South Sandwich Islands1:500,000
3595South Georgia Central Sheet1:125,000
3596Approaches to South Georgia1:750,000
3597South Georgia1:250,000
3755Bahia Blanca1:50,000
4024Weddell Sea to Mar del Plata1:10,000,000
4200Rio de la Plata to Cabo de Hornos1:3,500,000
4207Falkland Islands to Cabo Corrientes and Northeast Georgia Rise1:3,500,000
4212Drake Passage1:3,500,000
4213Scotia Sea1:3,500,000

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