Purchasing Power
for Venezuela

Purchasing Power
for Venezuela

Purchasing Power describes the disposable income of populated areas across Venezuela. It is a key indicator for sound location and sales territory planning.

Purchasing Power

Purchasing Power for Venezuela

This Purchasing Power data product describes the disposable income of households (before taxes) in populated areas within Venezuela and an extensive range of other countries. It is an important indicator of consumer potential and a key planning tool for optimising market location and understanding sales territories. This product allows you to explore regional markets with increased precision. Consistent and comparable data, with seamless transitions across borders, make this product ideal for international projects.

Purchasing Power for Venezuela can be purchased on its own or bundled with GIS polygon data for administrative regions, postcodes and small areas. This effective combination will allow you to perform enlightening analysis supported by stunning visualisations.

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Flag of VenezuelaVenezuela – Estados

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is situated on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia, Guyana and Brazil, and it has islands and islets off its coastline in the Caribbean Sea. The capital is Caracas.
Home to many indigenous peoples, Venezuela was colonised in 1522, but declared independence from Spain in 1811, when it became part of Gran Colombia. In 1830 it seceded and became a sovereign state, but the nineteenth century was characterised by political turmoil, coups and military dictatorships. Since the late 1950s, Venezuela returned to a series of democratic governments and was enjoying an economic boom, fuelled by the discovery of massive oil deposits, which lasted until the 1980s, when serious economic crises began. Political corruption, chaos and social unrest led to lack of confidence in the existing politics. Hugo Chavez, self-styled “champion of the poor”, became president in 1999, was ousted and returned to office until his death in 2013. Since then, widespread political and social protests have continued and stability has not returned. Venezuela is a federal presidential republic, divided into 23 states.
Until the discovery of oil deposits in the early twentieth-century, Venezuela was an agricultural economy. Since then, it has been reliant upon and driven by the petroleum industry, which accounts for 80% of exports. Fluctuations in oil prices have demonstrably affected Venezuela’s economy since the 1980s. Coal, iron ore, bauxite and gold are mined heavily. The aluminium, steel and cement industries are important to Venezuela, but it has failed to truly capitalise upon its resources. Agriculture accounts for a tiny sector of the economy - beef, rice and coffee are some of its exports. However, it is by no means self-sufficient and imports around two-thirds of its food needs. As a spectacularly beautiful country, Venezuela’s tourism industry is important. Over 90% of the population lives in and around the sprawling northern cities, especially Caracas. It is one of the most heavily urbanised countries in South America, and poverty, fuelled by economic crises and corruption, is rife. In this century the issues associated with poverty have caused deteriorating human rights problems and massive emigration.
Venezuela has a varied cultural heritage, influenced by indigenous Andean, Spanish, Caribbean and African tradition all of which are evident in visual arts, music and literature. Baseball is the national sport.
On the world stage, Venezuela is a member of the United Nations, the Organisation of South American Nations and OPEC.

Product details

Purchasing Power for Venezuela
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Estados
Number of Regions 25
Average Population/Region 1,100,000
Additional data variables available (described below):
Retail Spend1
Retail Turnover12
Retail Centrality123
Consumer Spend by Product Groups1

1 Includes population data
2 Only administrative municipalities with 10,000 and more inhabitants
3 Includes retail spend and retail turnover

Additional variables

Please see the table above for availability of the following additional variables.

Retail spend

Retail spend refers to the potential share for retailers of the purchasing power of households within a given populated area. It is calculated as general purchasing power, less fixed expenditure. High quality, proven retail spend data is available on a municipality, postcode and small area basis.

Retail turnover

Retail turnover refers to the turnover of local retail trade. In contrast to purchasing power and retail spend, retail turnover quantifies purchases at the consumers’ place of expenditure. High quality, proven retail turnover is available on a municipality, postcode and small area basis.

Retail centrality index

The retail centrality index describes the capacity of a given area to attach the retail spend of its own population, as well as incoming shoppers from other areas, to the local retail trade. Cities with a high ‘shopping appeal’ have a centrality index of over 100. This is because they attract more shoppers and retail spend from surrounding areas than they emit in return. The retail centrality index is available at municipality and postcode code level.

Consumer spend by product groups

Consumer spend by product group quantifies the expenditure by consumers on specific groups of goods or services.

Whilst purchasing power is the most commonly used indicator for a region’s potential, it is not necessarily the most appropriate planning tool for all goods and services, as for some, patterns of consumer behaviour do not relate exclusively to disposable income. In order to respond to the nuances of the market, the general purchasing power values have been enhanced and recalculated based on consumer spend for twenty product categories.

Product categories include: food and non-alcoholic beverages; alcoholic beverages, tobacco, clothing, footwear, furniture & furnishings (carpets and other floor coverings), household textiles, household appliances, glassware (inc. tableware & household utensils), tools and equipment for house and garden, routine household maintenance, medical products, appliances and equipment, consumer electronics (inc. photographic and IT equipment), durables for recreation and culture, toys and games (inc. hobby, sport, garden, pets), recreational and cultural services, newspapers (inc. books and stationery), catering services, personal care and jewellery (inc. clocks, watches and other personal effects).

Looking beyond Venezuela? Purchasing Power data is available for a wide range of countries…

Data formats & delivery

Purchasing Power for Venezuela is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

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