Consumer Profiles
for Taiwan

Consumer Profiles
for Taiwan

Consumer Profiles for Taiwan uses an innovative, comprehensive ten-segment model for effective market investigation and identification of your target audience. It is the first product in its class to offer ten consumer types validated across multiple countries.

Consumer Profiles

Consumer Profiles for Taiwan

This Consumer Profiles product presents the population of Taiwan, divided into ten easy-to-understand consumer classifications.

The product is based on segmentation criteria including socio-demographics, lifestyle values and orientation, mind-set, motivation and consumer behaviour in Taiwan. The data has been drawn from a representative global survey of around 30,000 consumers with various, relatively homogeneous, populations with different consumer characteristics and buying patterns. The research is then distilled into globally identifiable consumer profiles. Consistent and comparable data, with seamless transitions across borders, make this product ideal for international projects.

Consumer Profiles for Taiwan can be purchased on its own or bundled with GIS polygon data for administrative regions, postcodes and small areas. This effective combination will allow you to perform enlightening analysis supported by stunning visualisations.

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Flag of TaiwanTaiwan – Taiwan Villages

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
Officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), Taiwan is an island country in east Asia, at the join of the East and South China Seas. It lies south-east of China and south-west of Japan. The country comprises over 160 islands, of which Taiwan is the largest. The capital is Taipei.
Taiwan has had a chequered history. The country was settled thousands of years ago and became a Dutch colony in the seventeenth century, with significant Han Chinese immigration. Taiwan was then annexed by the Chinese Qing dynasty and ceded to Japan in 1895. After WWII, China reasserted control over Taiwan. With the rise of Communist China, ROC lost all mainland interests and retreated to Taiwan and its surrounding islands. Taiwan has effectively been independent since 1950. Its status is contentious, however, with only thirteen member states of the UN giving recognition. Taiwan is run as a multi-party democracy with 22 sub-national divisions.
The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed Taiwan’s rapid economic and industrial growth, which is often referred to as the “Taiwan Miracle”. This has ensured that Taiwan is one of the four Asian Tiger states (along with Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong). Taiwan’s industrialisation was driven by the textiles and then the electronics industries. It is now a major financial services and information technology hub. Although intensive farming is still practised where possible, agriculture contributes a very small amount to the economy. Taiwan exports steel and is one of the largest yacht-building countries in the world. Despite political disagreement, economic links with the People’s Republic of China have become stronger. It is one of the most densely populated nations in the world and very heavily urbanised.
Taiwanese culture is a mixture of Chinese, Japanese and indigenous heritage. Increasingly, western influences are more prevalent. Music, both classical and modern, is renowned in Taiwan. It has a thriving film industry and karaoke is very popular. The national sport is baseball.
Although a founding member of the United Nations, the Republic of China (Taiwan) is no longer recognised as a member as it has been usurped by the People’s Republic of China.

Product details

Consumer Profiles for Taiwan
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Counties and Urban Districts Taiwan Villages
Number of Regions 61 7,776
Average Population/Region 390,000 3,000

Consumer classifications

For each region type available, Consumer Profiles for Taiwan data contains population count (age 15+), percentage and rank for each of the following ten classifications. Click on the + icon for a description of each classification.

Consumer Profiles - Type A

These consumers have the highest per-capita income of all segments. They tend to be young and successful, with a significantly higher level of education than most other groups and are self-employed or in managerial positions. They don’t have children yet and tend to live in metropolitan areas either alone or with partner/friends. As a high disposable income group, these people typically spend the most money on clothes. In terms of choice of smartphone, Apple is preferred to Samsung.

Consumer Profiles - Type B

This group is older, with grown-up children who have left home. They have a high per-capita income but would rather ‘go shopping’ than buy online. As consumers, they are brand-loyal and will search for quality products from favoured retailers.

Consumer Profiles - Type C

Older, and generally living alone or as part of a couple, these people have an above average per-capita income, but an average household income. As consumers, value for money is extremely important and purchases are carefully researched and planned. They tend to be environmentally very aware and will embrace innovation.

Consumer Profiles - Type D

Generally successful office workers, and keen on-line shoppers, the consumers in this group have an above average per-capita income. As a rule, they tend to be conspicuous consumers with high expenditure on watches, jewellery and sporting goods. They are environmentally aware and look for quality and innovation in a product.

Consumer Profiles - Type E

This segment represents consumers with the highest household income and the highest expenditure across most product groups. As the group consists of families with children, the per-capita income is lower than you would expect. With high levels of education, most work in management roles and live in metropolitan areas or large cities. Overall, they are keen shoppers and the most frequent users of online shopping sites. They can be characterised as ‘early adopters’, with a very high usage of smartphone technology and social media. In terms of choice of smartphone, Apple is preferred to Samsung.

Consumer Profiles - Type F

With an average per-capita income, this segment consists mainly of retired couples without children at home. As consumers they are brand and product loyal and place a high importance on value for money. As a group, security is important and a strong emphasis is placed on relationships and being part of a community.

Consumer Profiles - Type G

These consumers have a below average per-capita income. They are socialisers who place a high value on a sense of belonging as well as a sense of excitement and spontaneity. They are interested in new products, but as a rule don’t undertake any pre-purchase research.

Consumer Profiles - Type H

Often younger and with children this group has a below-average per-capita income. As consumers, value for money is important as are favourite brands. Education, security and tradition are high on the list of personal values.

Consumer Profiles - Type I

This group has an above average household income, but as it is primarily made up of households with young children, the per-capita income is lower. Adults are either self-employed or in managerial positions. As consumers they are brand loyal but will embrace new products. The group ranks high on spend in the sports product and education categories. Excitement is an important driver too.

Consumer Profiles - Type J

This is a young group with the lowest per-capita income and comprises mainly students, unemployed and stay-at-home parents. They generally live in towns or more rural areas.

Looking beyond Taiwan? Consumer Profiles is available in a wide range of countries…

Data formats & delivery

Consumer Profiles for Taiwan data is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

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Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

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