OS Data Hub vs viaEuropa

Looking for an alternative to OS Data Hub?

OS Data Hub vs viaEuropa

Looking for an alternative to OS Data Hub?

OS Data Hub is a service which provides access to premium Ordnance Survey maps and data. It is, however, not the only option for consuming OS data as a service. As a licensed partner of Ordnance Survey, Europa Technologies has an award-winning alternative service with some key differences which may be a better fit for your requirements.

OS Data Hub vs viaEuropa

OS Data Hub viaEuropa
Target availability (1) 99.9% 99.9%
2021 & 2022 Uptime (2) <100% 100%
5-year uptime (3) n/a >99.999%
SLA with penalties
WMTS service
WMS service
WFS service
API service for addressing
Option to add OSNI Northern Ireland data for full UK coverage
Zero downtime during maintenance periods
No throttling or blocking
WFS transaction safety net (4)
Telephone support
Commercial Users Premium Plan
Internal business use
Public Sector Users Public Sector Plan
Non-OS Content
Aerial Photography GB access, under APGB licence
Royal Mail PAF access, under Public Sector Licence (PSL)


1. OS does not record service downtime periods of less than 10 minutes. They also do not include scheduled maintenance periods as service downtime. viaEuropa service availability statistics are absolute and 24×7×365.
2. @OSDataHubStatus
3. OS Data Hub was launched in July 2020 and therefore has no long-term availability statistics yet.
4. A transaction safety net is a mechanism which prevents accidental or unreasonable requests on a WFS service, which may be costly in terms of processing time or transactional licence fees (where applicable).

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about viaEuropa and how it compares with OS Data Hub. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation and a personalised demo.