Regions & Boundaries
map data for Vietnam

Regions & Boundaries
map data for Vietnam

Regions and Boundaries map data for Vietnam helps you display and analyse key factors geographically. They can easily be matched and enriched with your own data or supplemented with statistics such as demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles.

Regions & Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries map data for Vietnam

Regions & Boundaries map data provides a geographic breakdown of Vietnam for visualisation and analysis purposes. Using GIS or mapping software, colours can be assigned to these regions to form a thematic map, also known as a choropleth map. Thematic maps are visually powerful and a simple but effective way to communicate a variable (e.g. sales figures) across a geographic area. Regions can be political/administrative, postcode or small areas often connected with a census. With seamless transitions across borders with neighbouring countries, this data product is ideal for international projects.

Further enabling geographic analysis, Regions & Boundaries for Vietnam can also be supplemented with statistics such as socio-demographics, purchasing power and consumer profiles. This product is available in a number of popular GIS data formats.

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Flag of VietnamVietnam – Communes

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Viet Nam) is situated in Southeast Asia, on the Indochinese Peninsula. It shares land borders with China, Laos and Cambodia and maritime borders with Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. The largest city is Ho Chi Minh City, but Hanoi is the capital.
Vietnam was serially run by monarchical dynasties for centuries and the size of the country increased. After settlement by Portuguese and Dutch traders, the last imperial dynasty fell to the French in the nineteenth century and Vietnam became a colony. In 1945 the nationalist movement Viet Minh proclaimed independence from France. War in Vietnam dominated the latter part of the twentieth century. After WWII, France tried but failed to reclaim colonial power. Soon after, the Vietnam War began as the nation had become so divided, with the communist north, supported by China and Russia and the anti-communist south which was supported by USA.
In 1975, the north emerged victorious and the following year Vietnam was reunified as a socialist state under the Communist Party of Vietnam. Wars with Cambodia and China ensued and, as well as a trade embargo by the west and ineffective economic management, Vietnam was left economically crippled until reform in 1986.
Along with Laos, Vietnam is one of two communist states in Southeast Asia. It is run as a one-party socialist republic, by the CPV and divided into fifty-eight provinces and five municipalities.
For centuries the Vietnamese economy has been built upon agriculture and most specifically the cultivation of wet rice. It is the world’s largest producer of cashew nuts and black pepper. Other exports include seafood, coffee and rubber. Bauxite is an important mineral resource. Tourism is a growing sector of the Vietnamese economy.
Most of the population still lives largely in rural areas, although migration to urban areas is increasing. Culturally, Vietnam has close ties with China, particularly in the north, where Buddhism is entwined with indigenous tradition. Folk literature and music remain important, and Vietnamese cuisine is popular around the world. Martial arts are practised, but soccer is the most popular sport. There are, however, some human rights issues which cast a shadow over modern Vietnam, including human-trafficking.
Despite the past, Vietnam is seen geo-politically, as a potential regional ally to the USA as territorial disputes continue with China over area in the South China Sea. It is a member of the United Nations and ASEAN.

Product details

Regions & Boundaries map data for Vietnam
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Huyện Communes
Number of Regions 711 11,162
Average Population/Region 140,000 8,700

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Data formats & delivery

Regions & Boundaries map data for Vietnam is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

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Get to know your audience in terms of number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed.


Purchasing Power

Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

Purchasing Power

Consumer Profiles

An innovative, comprehensive ten-segment model for effective market investigation and identification of your target audience.

Consumer Profiles

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