CRESTA Zones Map Data
for Malaysia

CRESTA Zones Map Data
for Malaysia

CRESTA zones map data for Malaysia helps to analyse and present natural hazard risk, based on the system established by the world’s leading reinsurers. While peril-independent, CRESTA (Catastrophe Risk Evaluating and Standardising Target Accumulations) has established a uniform and global system to transfer, electronically, aggregated exposure data for accumulation risk control and modelling among insurers and reinsurers.


CRESTA zones map data
for Malaysia

CRESTA zones were originally developed as a joint project of the Swiss Reinsurance Company, the Gerling-Konzern Globale Reinsurance Company and the Munich Reinsurance Company. Europa Technologies was part of the original team who brought the standard into the digital mapping era and has maintained a CRESTA zone map data product longer than any other vendor.

Insurance professionals need accurate and reliable maps and databases. In today’s times of climate change, demand has increased for location intelligence to manage risks and reduce exposure. Our CRESTA zones map data for Malaysia offers insurers an important basis for aggregated risk assessment, exposure management and reinsurance negotiation & reporting.

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Flag of MalaysiaMalaysia – Quick facts

Area (sq km)
GDP (PPP) 2018
GDP (PPP) Rank
Situated in Southeast Asia, Malaysia comprises two regions, separated by around 640 miles of the South China Sea. The regions are Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo’s East Malaysia. Borders are shared with Thailand, Brunei and Indonesia. The capital and largest city is Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy and comprises thirteen states and three federal territories. The head of state is an elected monarch, chosen every five years from the nine state Sultans. The political power is held by the majority Muslim ethnic Malay, but the economic powerbase is held by the minority ethnic Chinese Malay. In the eighteenth-century various Malay kingdoms came under British colonial rule, until Japanese invasion in WWII, and subsequent formation of the Federation of Malaya, which became independent in 1957. In 1963, the Federation of Malaya joined with North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore, to form Malaysia, which then separated from Singapore in 1965.
Boasting one of southeast Asia’s most vibrant economies, Malaysia has benefitted from a growth in manufacturing. The service sector dominates, especially with tourism. It has a very well-developed infrastructure and industries include electronics, palm oil and oil and gas. There is, however, a conflict between Malaysia’s environmental tourism and the amount of continued deforestation by some industries.
Malaysia is strongly multicultural with influences from indigenous people, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arabic, Persian and British. These influences remain apparent in the arts, music, architecture and cuisine. There is a very strong oral tradition within Malaysian literature. The government strongly encourages architectural programmes, from the world’s tallest pair of towers to the garden city of Putrajaya.
On the world stage, Malaysia is a member of the United Nations, ASEAN and the Commonwealth.

Global CRESTA Plus

Global CRESTA Plus is our digital implementation of the CRESTA standard. Given a location in Malaysia, the product enables applications to look up the applicable CRESTA zone and then analyse/present aggregate risk across a portfolio. Applications can be further enhanced by adding a variety of natural hazard data sets such as earthquake locations, storm paths, meteorological, geological and insurance-specific statistical data.

Global CRESTA Plus can be licensed just for Malaysia, by continent or world-wide.


High & low resolutions zones

In accordance with the published standard, Global CRESTA Plus is available in high and low resolution versions. Please note that both products are at the same scale and accuracy, but the high resolution version contains more granular zones which are generally required for catastrophe modelling applications using CRESTA zones.

CRESTA Zones Map Data for Malaysia
Low Resolution High Resolution
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Available through viaEuropa

CRESTA Zones for Malaysia is available through viaEuropa – the award-winning hosted map and API platform from Europa Technologies.

viaEuropa delivers high quality, fully maintained, digital maps and location data directly to your web applications, desktop GIS and mobile apps. Use viaEuropa to drive location intelligent solutions quickly, easily and efficiently.

Utilise the viaEuropa API service to look-up the high/low resolution CRESTA zone ID for any location in Malaysia, or use the WMTS/WMS service to visualise your locations on a CRESTA zone map.


Data formats & delivery

CRESTA zones map data for Malaysia is available in the following popular GIS formats:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

Related products

Global CRESTA Plus

Global CRESTA Plus

Global CRESTA Plus helps brokers and reinsurers assess and present natural hazard risk, based on CRESTA zones, using the system established by the world’s leading reinsurers. It enables applications to quickly establish the CRESTA zone and then analyse/present aggregate risk across a portfolio. Global CRESTA Plus offers insurers an important basis for aggregated risk assessment, exposure management and reinsurance negotiation and reporting.

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Risk Insight

Risk Insight offers a powerful yet intuitive means of assessing risk intelligence across your property portfolio. Developed for insurers, public sector bodies and property managers, it provides a clear picture and understanding of individual risks and overall exposure. Implemented as an online service, Risk Insight can be integrated with your internal systems to provide a rich, seamless experience for your users.

Free data life support

All data products supplied by Europa Technologies include free, world-class, lifetime support.

Got a technical issue or licensing question? No problem – we’re just a call or an e-mail away.

Arrange your digital map licensing through us with the assurance of great value from your data investment.

Data Life Support

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Do get in touch if you would like more details about CRESTA Zones for Malaysia (technical, licensing, pricing, etc.) or would like to arrange a personalised demo. Our product specialists will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.