for Uruguay

for Uruguay

Demographics for Uruguay presents the number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed. If the sales performance of your product is linked to these factors, this data product can help you find the right customers in the right places.


Demographics for Uruguay

This Demographics product presents population statistics for Uruguay and an extensive range of other countries. In addition to the number of households, population is classified by sex and age (divided into five groups of fifteen-year bands) plus the number of unemployed. The analysis of this data by geographic area will help improve your customer targeting and market identification in Uruguay. Consistent and comparable data, with seamless transitions across borders, make this product ideal for international projects.

Demographics data can be purchased on its own or bundled with GIS polygon data for administrative regions, postcodes and small areas. This effective combination will allow you to perform enlightening analysis supported by stunning visualisations.

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Flag of UruguayUruguay – Departamentos

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
The Oriental Republic of the Uruguay lies on the eastern side of South America. It shares borders with Argentina and Brazil, and has an Atlantic coastline. The capital is Montevideo.
Inhabited first by indigenous tribes, including the Charrua, Uruguay was colonised much later than its neighbours. The Portuguese arrived in 1680 and established colonial territory and soon after, the Spanish founded Montevideo as a military stronghold. Uruguay gained independence in 1828 after a four-way struggle between Portugal and Spain, and then Argentina and Brazil. Throughout the nineteenth century it was subjected to foreign influence, with the military intervening in domestic politics. The 1960s and ‘70s saw a period of guerrilla activity which led to economic crises and military dictatorship. This continued until 1985, when democracy was restored. Uruguay is run as a democratic constitutional republic, divided into nineteen departments.
Uruguay has a had a more stable economy than many of its neighbours. With an export-oriented agricultural sector, over half of the land is used for sheep and cattle farming and Uruguay’s strongest exports have been beef, leather and wool. Fruit and maize are produced and manufacturing includes textiles and plastics. It has a well-educated workforce and the service sector, especially banking and tourism is prosperous.
With a heavily urbanised population - over 90% live in cities and half of the population is in and around Montevideo, Uruguay has a socially progressive reputation. Dubbed “the Switzerland of South America”, Uruguay was the first country in the continent with a welfare state, the first in the world to legalise cannabis and ranks high in terms of tolerance and inclusion issues. It has an advanced education system. The official language is Spanish, but Portunol, a hybrid of Spanish and Portuguese is also commonly spoken, especially along the Brazilian border.
The culture of Uruguay is heavily influenced by Europeans in music, art and literature. Soccer and basketball are the most followed sports.
On the world stage, Uruguay is a member of the United Nations and the Organisation of American States.

Product details

Demographics for Uruguay
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Departamentos
Number of Regions 19
Average Population/Region 190,000
Demographic data variables included:
Number of Households
Population by Sex (male/female)
Population by Age Band1
Number Unemployed

1 Age bands: 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-69, 60+. Also sub-divided by sex.

Looking beyond Uruguay? Demographics data is available for a wide range of countries…

Data formats & delivery

Demographics data for Uruguay is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

Related products for Uruguay

Extend your market insight into Uruguay with these compatible add-on products. Ask about special pricing for map data bundles.

Regions and Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries

Gain a deeper understanding of geography within a country with robust map data for location analysis and visualisation.

Regions & Boundaries

Purchasing Power

Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

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Consumer Profiles

An innovative, comprehensive ten-segment model for effective market investigation and identification of your target audience.

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