for Honduras

for Honduras

Demographics for Honduras presents the number of households, population figures by sex and age band plus the number of unemployed. If the sales performance of your product is linked to these factors, this data product can help you find the right customers in the right places.


Demographics for Honduras

This Demographics product presents population statistics for Honduras and an extensive range of other countries. In addition to the number of households, population is classified by sex and age (divided into five groups of fifteen-year bands) plus the number of unemployed. The analysis of this data by geographic area will help improve your customer targeting and market identification in Honduras. Consistent and comparable data, with seamless transitions across borders, make this product ideal for international projects.

Demographics data can be purchased on its own or bundled with GIS polygon data for administrative regions, postcodes and small areas. This effective combination will allow you to perform enlightening analysis supported by stunning visualisations.

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Flag of HondurasHonduras – Municipios

Number of Regions
Avg Population / Region
The Republic of Honduras is situated in Central America. It shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, and has coastline along the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The capital city is Tegucigalpa.
Home to Mayan populations before Spanish colonisation in 1500s, Honduras gained independence from Spain in 1821. It participated in several failed attempts at Central American unity and has been a republic although years of political instability, corruption and military rule have inhibited its development. In the late 1800s, a number of American corporations invested in Honduran land. This led to a great deal of US corporate control over the country’s banana-based economy. The term “banana republic” was coined to refer to Honduras, and at one point its entire economy revolved around the fruit. Unrest, civil war and territory war with Nicaragua and El Salvador peppered the twentieth century. Honduras was dominated by the military until the mid-1980s, when a theoretical transition to free and fair elections took place. Unfortunately political instability does prevail. It is run as a presidential democratic representative republic and divided into eighteen departments.
One of the most unstable countries in Central America, Honduras is also one of the least developed. Its economy is heavily agricultural and it relies on production of coffee, fruit - especially bananas, and shrimp. Mining is important and its textiles industry is growing. Geographically susceptible to natural disasters, its agricultural-based economy has suffered some devastating losses, particularly with Hurricane Mitch in 1998, which took several years to recover from.
One of the poorest and most violent countries in Latin America, around two-thirds of the population live below the poverty line. The disparity between northern wealth and southern poverty is marked. Urbanisation is slowly increasing and a little over half of the people live in or around cities. Honduras has a population with a strong Amerindian/Spanish heritage. The main language is Spanish.
Honduras has a strong culture of music and art and soccer is the main sport.
Honduras is a member of the United Nations.

Product details

Demographics for Honduras
Administrative Postcode Small Area
Region Type Municipios
Number of Regions 298
Average Population/Region 32,000
Demographic data variables included:
Number of Households
Population by Sex (male/female)
Population by Age Band1
Number Unemployed

1 Age bands: 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-69, 60+. Also sub-divided by sex.

Looking beyond Honduras? Demographics data is available for a wide range of countries…

Data formats & delivery

Demographics data for Honduras is available in many popular GIS formats, including:

  • Esri Shapefile
  • Esri File GeoDatabase
  • MapInfo TAB (Extended)

All data products are delivered using our secure data delivery platform, Europa Data Vault.

Orders, Formats & Delivery

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Regions and Boundaries

Regions & Boundaries

Gain a deeper understanding of geography within a country with robust map data for location analysis and visualisation.

Regions & Boundaries

Purchasing Power

Understand disposable income by tiered area with this key indicator for effective location and sales territory planning.

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